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  • Writer's pictureAli Craig


Do you look in your closet and swear you have nothing to wear?

If you are saying, “Yes,” then you are in a style rut. And you are also not alone. It is easy to get caught up in the goings-on of life and to deprioritize fashion in general. Multiply this a few years and you wake up one day and realize you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear.

Having a style rut may not sound like a big deal, but it is.

Your style is what people see before they ever speak to you. Your style is the first impression you make. Your style reflects your personality, goals, dreams, and desires. So if you are in a style rut, I bet there are other aspects to your life in a rut too.

Getting out of a style rut isn’t about becoming a walking billboard for all things trendy. It is about discovering what you adore to wear. What makes you happy? What makes you feel good? The great thing is that this doesn’t have to cost you tons of money or hours in a mall. With services like Rent The Runway (my fav), Le Tote, or MM LaFleur, you can try lots of styles, cuts, colors, and designers in your real-world of life. And once you find the styles and colors that work for you, hire a personal shopper or box service to bring clothing options to your door.

Don’t waste such a valuable piece of your nonverbal communication. Your style makes you feel good and shows the world who you are. So if you are going to get dressed, why not wear what you love?

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