Have you ever experienced that moment where you thought you were receiving one thing, but in the end, you felt like the queen of the world? That every detail and kindness was extended to you. Hours felt like minutes. You loved the people, the conversations, and the interactions at hand.
It is these moments that we live for. And it is these moments as brands that we need to create through everything we do, even our marketing efforts.
Modern marketing has changed the landscape on many levels regarding how people interact. Real-world has made way for virtual, and instant has replaced exceptional. Or at least that is what everyone wants you to believe.
But like all good marketing, being not like the rest of the crowd is essential to standing out. So how do you stand out, and create an out-of-the-box experience in a timely and cost-effective manner?
Choose platforms that show your status. Doing what everyone else does isn’t going to get you noticed. Choose platforms that naturally elevate your expert status and present you as the expert you are.
Create a higher caliber. There is always a balance between getting things done and delivering a higher caliber of experience.
Always edutain. Yes, you aren’t boring your audience to death with facts and statistics, and nor are you here to do a song and dance for your audience either. Everything is about edutainment.
Media Matters. Traditional media outlets are still go-to instant social proof platforms. Consider working directly with traditional media outlets or choose platforms that the traditional media will notice.
Consistency is key. Like everything in business and in life, consistency is key when it comes to creating an out-of-the-box marketing experience.