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  • 3 Ways To Turn Your Weakness Into Selling Strength

    It is human nature not to want to show up as being weak or vulnerable, yet there is strength in your weakness, especially when it comes to selling. A lot of people feel like selling is the weakest part of their business game, but the truth is, you have a lot of strength in what your perceived weaknesses are. Here are three ways how. The quirkiness of your personality, that weirdness of you, there's lots of wisdom in it. It can be one of your greatest selling strengths. When you allow yourself to show up in your quirkiness, guess what? There's wisdom in that weirdness, and it makes people connect with you. It makes people want to listen to you. For example, if you like to quote movies or music lyrics to answer people's questions, share that perspective in your social media, copy, and marketing. Because nine times out of ten, your audience gets it as well. It makes you relatable. The big struggle in selling is there's a lack of relatability. Selling feels adversarial because it's the social story we've been told. You have the power to change that social story, and the easiest way to do that is to show up with your weirdness intact. So, instead of creating this adversarial relationship against the person you're selling, create a connection by being vulnerable and showing you're weird so that people can relate. The next thing most people struggle with is numbers. Saying numbers and asking for what you're worth is a massive, massive struggle. To overcome the number problem, simply write it down. We've all seen movies where people slide that piece of paper across the table with a number. You don't have to be that slick, but make sure that numbers are easily accessible to your audience. If that's putting your price on your website or the starting price if that's making sure that when you do an in-person presentation, you have printed material where the numbers are printed, and then all you have to do is the point. All you have to do is the point to the sheet of paper. It's already written down for you. If you know you struggle with the numbers, this is the best way to stop yourself from undercutting your offer and undercutting what you say your price is worth. Because when it's printed, it's way worse to start trying to discount that printed number than to simply point at it. Lastly, when selling what you're about, you have to believe in yourself. Simple yet complex. Before you go into any meeting, before you jump on any strategy call, before you do anything, make sure you truly know in your heart of hearts what it is you're about and why it is you're damn good at. It's okay that you're not the low-price leader. You don't want to be. It's okay that you don't do it the way everyone else does. You don't want to. But you need to know from your core heart what you are awesome at. You need to be able to fearlessly and unapologetically say that to people because when you're able to do that, when you're able to truly know what you're good at, all the rest, any opposition, any hesitation or doubt, goes away when you're talking about what you do. When clear about that, you can honestly and authentically say that you are awesome at what you do. Yes, show you're weird, use your fear of numbers to your advantage, and more importantly, know exactly who you are. When you do that, selling isn't such a struggle anymore.

  • How To Own Any Room With Your Style

    OWN ANY ROOM YOU WANT. I have always found it ironic that society has touted that looks don’t matter, yet we are instinctually obsessed with celebrities and their looks. The truth is what you wear, how you look, and how you hold yourself completely influence your level of success. And though that may sound harsh, we all know it to be true. Just check yourself next time you are wearing an outfit that you feel like a rockstar in. You hold yourself differently, walk differently, and talk differently. You exude confidence and most likely a little sex appeal too. Why? I would bet it is because you were embodying your Soulfire® Style. Your Soulfire® Style is the unique combination that fully expresses who you are and what you are about from your style. More than just fashion, your Soul Style® is about embodying your deepest beliefs and perspectives on the outside. Making your clothes more than about fashion or necessity and transforming them into your calling card attracts the people, opportunities, experiences, and income you truly desire. Plus, allowing you to own any room you want. Here are the must-knows on what to wear that will turn heads and start the conversations you have been seeking. Discover why we love and fear the idea of “owning any room.” Understand how to capture the “IT” factor any time you want Master the five key areas to know how to dress for any space Know the why and how style influences space Understand how to take action with your style starting today. Your Soulfire® Style is as unique as you are. And when you show as the true you, you can own any room you want.

  • How To Have A Media Worthy Opinion

    You may say media is in my blood. From the beginning of my career all the way to today - local, national, and international media have and still do seek my opinion on brands, marketing, nonverbal communication and how we are all being influenced by these multimillion-dollar giants. But what makes me sought after as a media expert vs. another branding professional simply comes down to these five things. (Listen up because you can use these exact steps yourself and with your own industry/media.) Start small. Yep, climbing the media ladder is a real thing. The great thing is that “small” is no longer local media. “Small” media can be a podcast, guest writing on a blog, or hosting a weekly YouTube series. Know your topic inside and out. Book knowledge is great, but you must understand your work. Because when you are only focused on logic and statistic focused vs. the results your industry creates, it will be challenging to think on the fly and go where the conversation leads. Be professional and serve. The biggest thing you must know about media is that you are there to serve their audience and make them (aka the host, producer, writer, etc.) look like a pro. It is never about you, your business, or your bottom line. Have fun. No one wants to chat with an uptight person. So have fun and show your love for your industry. Be engaging, excited, and share the fund side of what you do. Be grateful. Any media opportunity is a gift. Appreciate it. Even if nothing directly comes from a particular media appearance, you must remember that it is the combination of your entire media pedigree that creates the influence you are looking for. So be grateful for every opportunity. Though the media world is changing fast, it still is the easiest way to create broad social proof of your work and expert status.

  • Making Your Product Pieces Into A Powerful Brand

    Many modern brands have multiple pieces. You started with one product or service and have evolved from there. But along the way, you didn’t actually stop and consciously decide how all of these offers made sense to your brand. Now you may not think that is all a bad thing. But the truth is that your consumer eventually will wonder who and what you are. How do you correct this misstep? Simple, understand the red thread that ties everything together. Because even though to the outside world your offers may look scattered, the truth is for you - they connect on a deeper level - aka your red thread. By understanding these deeper commonalities - aka your red thread - you can stop selling the logistics of your products and services and start selling the heart of your offers for you and your audience. This doesn’t just allow you to stand apart from your competition; it allows your audience to connect with the heart of the brand relationship. Plus, moving forward, by selling your red thread vs. the logistics, any new offer, products, or brand expansions will make sense because they tie to a deeper meaning and purpose - your red thread. So how do you discover your red thread? Follow these 3 simple steps: Make a list of all the things you have instinctually loved doing as far back as you can remember, all of your hobbies, certifications, interests, and jobs Next to each item, list why it mattered to you Underline where your “whys” had in common When you see the common thread, aka your red thread, all of your life, offers, and brand options begin to make sense to you and your audience.

  • 7 Ways To Get Your Brand Know

    We all want to be known. Personally, professionally, via our businesses and our brands. It is human nature to desire to be known because if you are known, you are less likely to get kicked out of the tribe, plus you tend to be the one in charge. You make all the rules. Who doesn’t want such power when it comes to their brands? We all hope that someday our brands will be so influential that they can dictate industry trends and customer whims like Oprah and Apple do. And the truth is we can. Here are 7 steps to get your brand known in a massively influential way. Have an opinion. We all know we are supposed to be “real.” Yet it is human nature to fit in and blend in. Stop blending in. Share your thoughts however that looks like Be unique. Say it, do it, wear it, be it - be as unique as YOU REALLY ARE. Don’t fake being extra expressive because you think that will get your attention. Know that you are an evolution growing into the different nuances that make you extra special. Own your extra special ways. Stay consistent. If you are living #2, then this is not an issue. If you are trying on different roles to see what fits and works for who you are evolving into- consistency is crucial. You can’t be a pony-loving hippy today and a goth horse meat-eating person tomorrow. Uplevel. Uplevel. Uplevel. Never stop improving. Keep evolving your business, brand, and message. Uplevel your offers, your message, expertise, and experience. DO! You must create, produce, and do. No one knows who you are unless you take action. Action is a must. Get on stage. You must choose to stand out to be seen. It is that simple. Get over your fear. Get over your stories. Get over the bullsh*t in your brain- and get on stage. Relationships win. Online world or not- life, your business, and your marketing options are all about relationships. Don’t think that a snide remark or burnt bridge there won’t come back to bite you in the arse. It will. Everything is about relationships.

  • Contact To Conversion

    Everyone is obsessed with numbers. No matter if you're talking about media producers, events, or just even the ROI part of your business. Numbers are the way that we measure everything. But having great numbers, especially regarding your online social proof, doesn't mean that you have great numbers in your business. There's a massive difference between having an audience and then converting that audience into paying customers. It's a great struggle that most businesses have nowadays. They focus so much on getting the numbers that they don't know how to take those numbers, those followers, those potential leads, and make them into buying audience members. How in the world do you convert? It's a struggle most businesses have. Here are a few ways to overcome it. Before you even go after anybody online or offline for that matter. You have to know what in the world you want out of this game. Are you just trying to get major numbers so that way, you can get a speaking event, or get on TV, or something bigger? Is that your end game? If so, your audience's conversion into profitable sales isn't what you're looking for. But for most of us, we're looking to build an audience online that is our new version of our email list. Therefore, doing gimmicky things won't work to get long-term conversion potential in your audience. Having sales and having contests where you give away a huge, massive prize that anybody would want isn't a smart business move for you because you'll get a lot of people who will follow your page, but they aren't interested in you. They're interested in what you're giving away, not you. Make sure you know what you're trying to convert for the reason behind it. Once you understand that, you can understand how to build a relationship. 2. Yes, romantic relationships are a great example of what we're supposed to model in business. Though most of us suck at romantic relationships, and we don't know how in the world we got our partners. The same is holding in your business. You have to step back and remember that in the end, the person you're talking to is another person, another human being with feelings, emotions, and stories that all are playing in their head just like they're playing in yours. On some level, you do need to be the one who takes the first step when it comes to the relationship, the pursuer on many levels. But like all relationships, it has to be an equal dance for you both to be happy. And that is key. When it comes to building relationships, especially online, it's way too easy to create a very aggressive marketing plan or the exact opposite, a passive marketing plan. When it comes to a romantic relationship, it was the dance, the pursuit, and then the pursuit that made you love it so much. The same holds with your business. Make sure that whatever you're doing online or off to create social proof, it's always that balance of the dance, to pursue and to be pursued. You don't want to consistently go after your audience because they're going to run away. You want there to be moments where they are pursuing you. They're saying yes to you. Besides making yourself feel good, it'll create a deeper relationship with them and make them more loyal customers. 3. When it comes to converting your numbers from just being numbers to being a conversion where there's money coming into your bank, the thing is that you have to know the long-term game. Meaning that you have to know where in the world all of this ends in the end. It's like going on a road trip. Some people just get in the car, start driving, and see where they'll be, and that may be fun, but along the way, you eventually think, "Oh, dear Lord, there are no gas stations around here, and we just ran out." Poor planning makes people very stressed out. You, on the other hand, as the business, need to be the type of person who has planned the road trip like no tomorrow. You know where you're going to stop. You know how to be flexible. You know in the end where this is going and the experience you're creating for yourself and your audience. That means the experience long after they purchased from you, long after they're done with your service, or experiencing your product. The conversion cycle lasts much longer than after you put the money in the bank. It should go on for years to come if you plan it right because when you know, that's the entire relationship you have. What you say in the beginning to get the numbers and to get those audience members to give you money becomes all holistic and makes sense because you know in the end where this all leads to. You can tease them and excite them with what is to come, and it also allows them to trust you, to know that you truly are the expert you say you are because you know where you're all going. That's how you turn numbers into numbers in your bank.

  • What's Your Holiday Plan

    It's barely the fall, but most entrepreneurs haven't even thought about the holiday season just a few months away. That shortsightedness destroys more entrepreneurs when it comes to gaining market shares and social proof. When we fail to plan, not just a few months, but a big-term vision, we end up failing to grow our businesses the way that we want to. People don't think of us when it comes to being a gift to give to one of their friends or their family members, and sometimes even consulting services can be amazing gifts to give to an entrepreneurial friend or family member. But if no one thinks of you, no one will ever try to offer your services as a gift. Now, many of us as entrepreneurs want to play with the big boys out there. We want to play with the large companies. We want to be massively influential. Well, to do that, they plan massively long term. They're not thinking about this Christmas season. They're thinking about next Christmas season. They're planning so far in advance. Why are they doing that? They are priming their audience to always think of them as the sale. Now, if you look at the big guys, they're not constantly berating you with, "Buy my product. You can give a gift. Gift certificate, gift certificate," like most entrepreneurs do. They understand it's the long game, which is the slow burn. They're not going to constantly tell you that their product or service can be a great gift. With the holidays not that far away, yes, take action now. Begin to at least try and throw some seeds out there to your audience and say that you're potential as a gift-giving option with your business. But, also begin to plan now long term. What can you do in January, February, March, May, June, and all the other months between now and next Christmas to help your audience recognize that you're more than just a consulting service? You're more than just a thought leader. You're more than just a book or a product or whatever it is that you offer. That can be a great experience, opportunity, and gift for anyone at any time of year.

  • Why Loyalty Is Better Than Gold In Today’s Market

    Many people say we live in a throwaway society. The sad truth is that they are right. But our throw-away mentality doesn’t just extend to cheap clothing and office supplies. Our throw-away mentality extends many times to our relationships. Sounds horrible, right? But we do it all the time for our clients and the team. It is easy as a brand to get focused on ourselves. Our needs. Our wants. And like with any relationship, when all we see is us, we tend to under-appreciate those who should mean an awful lot to us. Besides the fact that our selfish tendencies show our true human nature, we lose out as a business on the one thing money or influencer numbers can't buy - loyalty. In today’s fast pace, everyone doing something similar to society- loyalty is hard to come by. So when a client or team member recognizes your unique perspective and finds value in that, then those peeps deserve some mad props. Look around your organization and see who has stuck by you. See who has always been there for you, reached out to you, keeping you in the loop. It is those people that deserve some extra love and appreciation for you as well as your brand.

  • What Your Purse Really Says About You

    No matter what your purse “go to” style is the way you organize it says a lot about who you are. From neatly facing bills to wads of cash stuffed away, your handbag says a lot about how you view yourself, money, and success. Neat, Organized, Mobile Office When function trump's fashion, the mobile office says that you are all about efficiency and get the job done. No need to waste time, let’s get down to work. When it comes to money you are by the book and know that you need to be paid for your smarts. Success is not an option it is a done deal for the way you approach life. Minimalist The minimalist approach makes you stay organized no matter how messy you tend to be. This approach says you know your potential weaknesses and you make sure to set yourself up for success by creating situations that any “weakness” won’t show. Efficiency is key when it comes to your style and your money. No need to waste time sending bills - auto deposit is your best friend. Success is something else that will be automatic as you know how to use your strengths to your advantage. Everything and the Kitchen Sink You will never be caught off guard. Your handbag organization may not look very organized, but you have everything you, your kids, your coworkers and or clients may ever need. You take care of others and yourself. This team instinct means that you love helping others succeed. This team approach is also how you view money and success “one for all and all for one.” Phone Only The phone only case that carries your essential cards has less to do with minimize and more to do with embracing the new and not being tied down to the old. Flexible and free you aren’t looking for any strings. Your idea of money isn’t old school with deposits and banks - auto payments, cryptocurrency, and barter are the way you roll. And with the fire in your eyes and heart to blaze your own trail - that is exactly what you plan on doing when it comes to success. Your way and on your terms. Fashion First Changing your bag style like you change your undies shows that you always want to be on point and making an impact. You understand the power of a first impression. And you know that a handbag is a great way to make a lasting statement. By using your bag to your advantage you are about making the most out of every opportunity even if that means you aren’t as efficient as you could be. You understand that relationships are the way to your success and your money. So you make sure to value relationships over all else.

  • Why Systems Are Your Best Friend

    The idea of creating systems, and even the word systems itself, is so not in vogue. Yet, our love affair with biohacking, organization, and day planners clearly shows that as human beings, we love a system. Honestly, our brains, our biology loves systems. We naturally like to organize things so we can do better and perform more. Though we love systems on our core level, our social inability to desire systems creates this dichotomy of stress within ourselves. If you want to uplevel who you are as a person and accelerate your professional success, systems will be the key. To do this, you need to get systems to rid yourself of every social story that says that systems are the man. Systems are controlling. Systems are limiting. The right system works. So once we get rid of the social stories around systems and realize that biologically, we are hardwired for systems, and when we have the right systems in place, we can use our biology and our subconscious mind to our advantage. Yes, we can accelerate our growth and success faster with the right systems. How do you know what the right system for you is? 1. You have to know where your struggles are at. Do you struggle with getting everything done? The idea of the massive to-do list just means that you stay still versus going for it. Do you need systems around your time? Do you need systems around making sure that things get accomplished? Do you need systems or structures around actually growing, actually seeking out the information that you're looking for to get to your next level or goals? However, you need systems. Guess what? It all varies. It varies on where you are in life. It varies on what aspect of your life is, but understanding your strengths and weaknesses are essential. 2. How do you like to learn? If you like to handwrite down, you need to make sure that you create systems that support that. You need to minimize the repetitiveness of any potential system. If you like to write things out, write them out and get to work. Don’t then type out the notes or upload the information. Because it is these menial tasks that hold us back and bog us down. 3. Do you give yourself time? Systems are habits. Just like the habits of how you think and how you speak, it takes time to happen. You've all heard the idea that it takes 21 days to start a new habit. Kind of sort of. It takes consistency for at least 21 days. Many fail far too often simply because of a lack of consistency. Everyone's schedule tends to be different. You must see how you can always consistently keep things in your schedule. Get rid of the social stories, use your biology to your advantage, and consistently work the system that works for YOU. Your systems will evolve. You will evolve. You will be leveling yourself on every aspect of your life that you choose to.

  • Relationship Matrix

    Though we live in an online world where connections are everywhere, people feel alone. Studies are showing that depression and loneliness are up. And even with these stats rising, most of us only focus on our online lives. The truth is that our real life has so much more potential and potential connections out there that we simply fail to use. We even fail to use and maximize our online relationships, yet, we have to have relationships. When we truly decide to connect with somebody online or offline, we must step out of our comfort zone. We need to invite people into our lives and events and have a relationship with us. Sometimes we simply need to invite others into a conversation. When we show other people that we invest in them, the true relationship begins. And when we decide to do that, so much more than just a relationship with that person will show up. A relationship matrix begins to get created. And that is where all great connections and potential opportunities can lie. It's not about building relationships simply to build the connections of who they may know. Still, it's about understanding that when you have a relationship with somebody, asking them for help and asking to see if they have connections is an okay thing to do. When you understand that you aren't alone, whatever problem you run into, you know that it isn’t your problem to solve solely. You begin to realize that this world isn't a lonely place or such a big place after all. It’s amazing to realize that the people that you already know, love, and like, actually have connections that you need. Best of all, they're willing and want to help you because you have helped and supported them along the way as well. Stop feeling overwhelmed and alone in this world, online or offline. Develop your relationships because you genuinely care. And then realize that, as much as you genuinely care about these people, they care about you. When you ask for help, you're allowing someone else to have the greatest opportunity to show your love and reciprocate how they truly feel about you in the real world. And when that happens, it's amazing how you'll even feel less alone because you'll realize that you don't just have a one-on-one relationship at hand. You have a relationship and connection that spans the world more than you ever realized.

  • Are You A One Hit Wonder or Legacy Brand

    When you think about the music industry, you always think about the one-hit wonders, and then you think about the legacy leaders, those legacy bands that have been around for decades, like the Rolling Stones. And you never really hear about anyone in between. The same holds when it comes to, well, your business. Are you going to be that one-hit-wonder that people know and slowly forget, or will you be that legacy business that will be around forever and that people love and still go to decades later? Because the truth is, in business, it is the long-term that is the goal. There's nothing else in between. Now, many of us think that being a is well, not a good thing because you only were successful once. But sometimes that's actually what you truly are wanting, and if that is your intent, then go for it. Don't try to be the legacy brand when the truth is all you're wanting to do is to have that one success and move on to something else. But legacy brands aren't as easy as you would think because, again, most people are somewhere in between music and business-wise. But building a legacy brand is all about long-term. It's about consistency, and it's about truly understanding what it is you offer and sticking with that. That's why most legacy brands are always built around a lifestyle. Whether we're talking music or business, the truth is the brands that stick around express a lifestyle. Rolling Stones express a lifestyle. Aerosmith expresses a lifestyle. The Beatles are, even though not still a band, their music is still awfully popular. It's because they express a lifestyle. They express a mindset to be. Your brand can do the same thing, so if you are building a lifestyle brand, consider not being that one-hit wonder, and consider building long-term. The benefit of a legacy brand is that then you have clients, new and old, you're always growing, and you become in-threaded in the tapestry of society, so you're part of generations, and you're truly changing in the world. Whatever you decide to do, choose it. No one wants to be the unknown band or business of the in-between. Choose to be the one-hit wonder or the legacy, but make sure you choose.

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